Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yellowstone National Park

Finally arrived at Yellowstone! I guess I didn't realize how long about 7 hours in a vehicle would be! Thanks for the snacks mom and Lena. They really pulled through! Roxy did quite well on the drive. As you will see from the pictures, she spent much of her time sleeping! Once I arrived I bought a park pass and went to find a campground. I had a Amazing Race moment...which was pretty much hysterical! I'm cruising along to the first campground area only to be told that the campground was already full. As I'm pulling out of the grounds, in search of the next campground, I noticed a suburu looking vehicle creeping in right behind me. At that moment, I realized the race was on. We were both in the running for the nearest campsite. As I'm looking so diligently, I realized that I just passed the entrance...and guess who didn't. That's right...the amazing race was almost lost at that moment. Team suburu was swooping in and taking the lead. (Now, if Fitzy was there...that would have never happend!) Roxy and I quickly did a u-turn, but knew the mistake had been fatal. Too make a long story short and not bore anyone, we both found a campsite. As I was setting up, guess who pulled in about 10 minutes later in the site exactly next to mine...that's right. Team Suburu. Anyway the amazing race will continue tomorrow I'm sure!

Anyway, I think that Roxy spent most of the day staring at the back of her eyelids. She even refused to blog along the way.

Marchand and Steph you would be proud. The campground host was like "I'm sure you know to keep your food in your car and locked up, etc." He must have noticed the Montana plates, but didn't realize he was dealing with a Jersey girl! Thanks to you guys I think I finally know how to camp...remember when I first moved here..haha!

Anyway, hope all is well with everyone!


  1. Hey Roxy wake up and smell the bears. I was looking forward to your blog. You seem to be shurking your navigation duties if Jess is missing enterances and making u- turns in the middle of the road. have to admit I am a little disappointed in you. ...... Jess not so much

    Glad to hear you are safe and are finally on your own "amazing race".

  2. Good morning Jess, glad you had a good first day. Tell Roxy she needs to step up her game she is suppose to be chatting it up with you while you drive!! lol Can't see the pictures you posted? Have a great day look forward to the next blog!!

  3. Hey Jess! I am back in the computer world. Hope you are enjoying the "stone" as Jeff would say. Where'd you camp? What have you seen?
